Web (to change)

Video streaming

HTML5 introduced possibility to link video using <video> tag

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>My Video</title>
    <video src="some_video.mp4" width="1280px" height="720px" />

This video tag also provides various APIs to e.g. play, pause, seek or change the speed at which the video plays. Those APIs are directly accessible through JavaScript:

//pause the video

// seek to 10 seconds
myVideo.currentTime = 10;

The Media Source Extensions

The “Media Source Extensions” (more often shortened to just “MSE”) is a specification from the W3C that most browsers implement today. It was created to allow those complex media use cases directly with HTML and JavaScript.

👍Great article explaining how Media Source Extensions (MSE) + SourceBuffer works (and video streaming in general)

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