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JAX-RS is a specification, a set of interfaces and annotations offered by Java EE. Well-known Implementations are RESTEasy and Jersey.
JAX-RS application has [1..] resources and [0..] providers.
Configuration: via application-supplied subclass of Application
Applications are published in diff ways:
if app runs in Java SE environment
within container (is packed as .war file)
app classes are packaged in WEB-INF/classes
or WEB-INF/lib
and required libs are packaged in WEB-INF/lib
Is a POJO that has at least one method annotated with @Path
or a request method designator.
By default a new resource class instance is created for each request to that resource.
JAX-RS resource method designators: @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE, @PATCH, @HEAD, @OPTIONS
Methods must be public
Method parameters are mapped from the request according to the semantics of annotation:
@MatrixParam - extracts the value of URI matrix parameter
Matrix parameters are name-value pairs embedded within the path of a URI string
e.g. http://example.cars.com/mercedes/e55;color=black/2006
is matrix parameter
@QueryParam - extracts the value of URI query parameter
@PathParam - extracts the value of URI template parameter
@CookieParam - extracts the value of a cookie
@HeaderParam - extracts the value of header
is used to supply a default value for parameter
is used to disable auto URI decoding of param value
- results in an empty entity body with 204 status code
204 status code means that the request was received and understood, but that there is no need to send any data back
entity property of Response -mapped-> entity body
status property of Response -mapped-> status code
use Response
to provide metadata; use ResponseBuilder
Entity property of GenericEntity -mapped-> entity body
returned instance -mapped-> entity body
To illustrate consider a method that always returns an instance of ArrayList<String> (directly or wrapped).
Servlet-based implementation wrapper ServletException
JAX-WS Provider-based implementation wrapper WebServiceException
@Path("widget list/{id}")
equivalent to @Path("widget%20list/{id}")
(encoded automatically).
any request starting with widgets
and containing at least one more path segment will match. E.g. widgets/small/a
=> the value of path will be small/a
Methods of resource class annotated by @Path
are either:
sub-resource methods => handle HTTP request directly
sub-resource locators => return an object or class that will handle HTTP request
may have all the same parameters as a normal resource method, except they must not have entity parameter
Can be applied to resource method
(overrides specified on class and on provider), resource class
, entity provider
When accepting multiple media types client may indicate preference by using relative quality factor q parameter
). Q-value
is [0..1]
0 - undesired
1 - highly desired (default value)
Example for above code: GET with header Accept: "text/html; q=1, application/widgets+xml; q=0.8" will match getAsHtml
instead of getAsXML
because of q.
A server can also indicate media type preference using the qs
With GET
request with header Accept: "application/*; q=0.5" => media type application/xml
is selected due to higher qs
inherits @GET
and @Produces
from the interface.
In the above case @GET annotation from ReadOnlyAtomFeed.getFeed() is not inherited. Because
If a subclass or implementation method has any JAX-RS annotations then all of the annotations on the superclass or interface method are ignored
Annotation @Provider
is used by JAX-RS runtime to automatically discover provider classes via mechanisms such as class scanning.
Provider must have public constructor
Constructor may include parameter annotated with @Context
Providers may be annotated with @Priority
. @Priority(1)
> @Priority(10)
Default priority for application-supplied providers is javax.ws.rs.Priorities.USER
Message entity body -> Java type
implement MessageBodyReader
annotate with @Provider
(for automatic discovery)
always operate on decoded HTTP entity body (decoded by container or JAX-RS runtime).
Contract for a provider that supports the conversion of a Java type to a stream.
A MessageBodyWriter
implementation may be annotated with @javax.ws.rs.Produces
to restrict the media types for which it will be considered suitable.
Providers implementing MessageBodyWriter
contract must be either programmatically registered in a JAX-RS runtime or must be annotated with @javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider
annotation to be automatically discovered by the JAX-RS runtime during a provider scanning phase.
Steps for mapping return value to message entity body:
Readers and writers may restrict media types they support using @Consumes
and @Produces
. Absence of annotation means "*/*"
must implement javax.ws.rs.ext.ExceptionMapper
Contract for a provider that maps Java exceptions (checker or runtime) to javax.ws.rs.core.Response
. If >1 exception providers are applicable => use with highest priority.
Providers implementing ExceptionMapper
contract must be either programmatically registered in a JAX-RS runtime or must be annotated with @javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider
annotation to be automatically discovered by the JAX-RS runtime during a provider scanning phase.
Filters execute code at an extension point but without wrapping a method invocation.
Filters are grouped in Filter chain
. There is a separate filter chain for each extension point (e.g. ClientRequest
, ClientResponse
, ContainerRequest
, ContainerResponse
, PreMatchContainerRequest
annotated by @PreMatching executed upon receiving client request but before a resource method is matched.
Entity interceptors wrap around a method invocation at a specific extension point.
Reader interceptor wraps around calls to MessageBodyReader
Writer interceptor wraps around calls to MessageBodyWriter
A filter/interceptor that has no annotations is assumed to be bound globally => applies to all resource methods in application (well either Provider
or register manually in Application)
How JAX-RS configuration is done?
@Context - injects an instance of supported resource. TODO investigate later
This is a relative path with a combination of deployment context and application path @ApplicationPath
Annotation value can be a regex, e.g.
Default is "*/*"
For consistency with other Java EE specifications, it is recommended to always repeat annotations instead of relying on annotation inheritance.
But, conversely