System X-ability


Scalability - is an ability of the system to operate as the number of users or requests increase.


  • Is performance and responsiveness impacted?

    • average response times across users per context

    • max response times across users per context

  • Is there an increase in timeouts?

    • number of timeouts across users per context

  • Is there an increase in system crashes?

    • number of crashes across users or requests

  • Is there enough database capacity?

  • Is there enough vm capacity?

Fitness functions

Send an alert when the number of crashes (timeouts, response time duration) increases by 20% and the number of users increases by 8%. (Numbers are just an example)

Scalability vs performance

Scalability - CONSISTENT response time when load increases. And this consistency may cost some performance of the system.

  • introduce caching of the data. This will decrease amount of connections and dramatically increase a scalability.


Elasticity is the ability of a system to remain responsive during significantly high instantaneous spikes in user load

Last updated