TCP/IP model

This is a special case OSI model, because it contains less levels.



This is basically OSI Transport, Session and a bit of Application layers.

  • Connection oriented protocols: TCP

  • Connectionless protocols: UDP (DNS and DHCP use UDP)

Data comes from Application layer => Transport layer breaks the data into chunks, adds info about ports, checksums (creates TCP segment) => hand TCP segment to Internet layer, which creates IP packet out of it.

netstat -n to check sessions


"IP packet layer". Any device or protocol which deal with IP packets:

  • getting IP packet to its destination

  • create IP packet

Protocols on this layer:

  • IPv4

  • IPv6

  • ICMP

Actually joins layers 1 and 2 from OSI.

Cabling, physical address, NICs, switches.

Ethernet Frames are used on this level (PDU - protocol data unit).

How ComputerA will realise MAC address of ComputerB?

ComputerA will send a ARP request to FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF MAC address (universal broadcast MAC address) and then ComputerB will send ARP reply. After this ComputerA will send Ethernet frames.

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