
S3 (Storage)

Storage platform. Unlimited storage "bucket". PRICING

  • long term storage

  • mass storage

Select the region for the bucket which is closest to data consumers => increase a speed.

  • Bucket

    • Folder

      • Object

S3 naming conventions:

  • Bucket names must be unique across all AWS accounts

  • 3-63 chars length, lowercase, numbers and hyphen

  • name must not be formatted as IP address (

Storage classes

This is a classification assigned to each Object in S3

  • Standard

    • most expensive class

    • general all-purpose storage

    • default storage option

    • 99.999999999 object durability (eleven nines)

    • 99.99% object availability

  • Standard Infrequent Access (Standard_IA)

    • designed for objects that you do not access frequently, but must be immediately available when accessed

    • eleven nines object durability

    • 99.90% object availability

    • less expensive than Standard

  • One Zone Infrequent Access (OneZone_IA)

    • Designed for non-critical, reproducible objects

    • eleven nines object durability in a single Availability zone

    • 99.5% object availability

    • less expensive than two above

  • Glacier

    • long term archival storage

    • may take several hours for objects to be retrieved

    • eleven nines object durability

    • cheapest (very low cost)

  • Object Durability

    • % that the file will not be lost in a year

  • Object Availability

    • % that the file will be accessible over a year

Object lifecycle

This is a set of rules which may automatically change storage class for the Object

S3 permissions

Permissions to view, access and use specific buckets and objects.

Object versioning

  • Keeps track and stores all versions of an object => you can access an older version

  • Versioning is either ON or OFF

  • if (ON) => you can only suspend versioning. It cannot be OFF.

    • suspended versioning: you prevent only versioning going forward

    • all previous versions are remain in the storage

    • versioning can only be set to the bucket level => applies to all objects in the bucket

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