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It is an open standard (RFC 7519). Compact: - small size. JWT can be sent through a URL, POST param, inside a header. Self-contained: The payload contains all required info about the user, avoiding the need to query the DB more than once
JWT can be signed: - using a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) - using public/private key pair using RSA or ECDSA
Authorization (most common scenario). SSO.
Information exchange.
type of the token, which is JWT
signing algorithm being used (HMAC|SHA256|RSA)
=> JSON is base64Url encoded
contains claims. Claim = statement about an entity (e.g. user) + additional data
types of claims
iss (issuer)
exp (expiration time)
sub (subject)
aud (audience)
and others
to avoid collisions they should be defined in the IANA JSON Web Token Registry or be defined as a URI that contains collision resistant namespace
custom claims to be used between parties (neither registered nor public)
example payload:
The payload is then Base64Url encoded
for signed tokens this information, though protected against tampering, is readable by anyone. Do not put secret information in the payload or header elements of a JWT unless it is encrypted.
Signature is used to verify that the message was not changed along the way
if (signed with private key) => verify that sender of JWT is who it says it is
Separated by dot => xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz
Compromised Secret key
No visibility to logged in users
Used across many services
Token can be stolen
Separate lib is used. LINK
username & password
standart in most websites
Can logout
HTTPS recommended
Store sessions in DB or Redis.
If (in memory) => sessions are lost after restart.
default SpringSecurity login page can be substituted