App dev notes

Load balancer

API gateway

  • distributes incoming traffic across servers

    • based on the load of the server

    • Algo: round robin: evenly

    • Algo: least connections:

    • Algo: IP hash: based on request origin

  • Organiser that connects pieces of software.

  • Take client API request => forward to destination app.

  • Manage translations and protocols

  • can perform

    • authentication

    • input validation

    • load balancing

    • service discovery/request dispatching

    • request transformation

Monorepo or many repos

Plus +


Many repos

  • better dev and debug

  • easy sharing of common code

  • easy refactoring and review

  • clear ownership

  • smaller code base

  • narrow clones (code download/clone time)

Minus -

Many repos

  • larger code base

  • greater clone time

  • difficult dev and debug

  • abstracts the knowledge of the platform

  • sharing of common code

  • how to deploy?

Last updated