
The Java ByteArrayInputStream class,, of the Java IO API enables you to read data from byte arrays as streams of bytes. In other words, the ByteArrayInputStream class can turn a byte array into an InputStream. The ByteArrayInputStream class is a subclass of the InputStream class, so you can use a ByteArrayInputStream as an InputStream. The ByteArrayInputStream also has a set of additional methods that are specific to the ByteArrayInputStream class. I will cover some of these methods in this tutorial.

The Java ByteArrayInputStream can be handy if your data is stored in an array, but you have a component that can only process it as an InputStream. The ByteArrayInputStream can thus wrap the byte array, and turn it into a stream.

Create a ByteArrayInputStream

To use a Java ByteArrayInputStream you must first create an instance of the ByteArrayInputStream class. To the constructor you pass the byte array you want to read as an InputStream. Here is an example of creating a ByteArrayInputStream instance:

byte[] bytes = ... //get byte array from somewhere.

ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

This example creates a ByteArrayInputStream which can read all bytes in the byte array passed to its constructor.

You can also tell the ByteArrayInputStream to only read part of the given byte array. You can pass an extra offset and length to the constructor which specifies which section of the byte array to read. Here is how that looks:

byte[] bytes = ... //get byte array from somewhere.

int offset = 20;
int length = 45;

ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes, offset, length);

This example creates a ByteArrayInputStream which will only read the bytes starting from the byte with offset 20, and 45 bytes ahead from that.


You read bytes from a Java ByteArrayInputStream just like you would from a regular InputStream, via its read() method. The read() will return the next byte from the byte array, or -1 if the end of the byte array (or byte array section) has been reached. Here is an example of reading bytes from a Java ByteArrayInputStream:

int data =;
while(data != -1) {
  //do something with data

  data =;


The Java ByteArrayInputStream available() method tells you how many bytes are still available in the ByteArrayInputStream. Here is an example:

int bytesAvailable = byteArrayInputStream.available();


The mark() method of the ByteArrayInputStream class sets an internal mark at the current byte position - meaning right after the previous byte read. The mark() method takes a parameter telling how many bytes can be read past this mark, before this mark becomes invalid. By default, if no mark has been explicitly set, the ByteArrayInputStream has marked position 0, or the position at the offset passed to its constructor. Here is an example of setting a mark in a ByteArrayInputStream via its mark() method:

byte[] bytes = "abcdef".getBytes();

ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

int data =;  // read 'a'
    data =;  // read 'b'
    data =;  // read 'c'

    byteArrayInputStream.mark(1024);     // mark set before reading 'd'
    data =;  // read 'd'
    data =;  // read 'e'
    data =;  // read 'f'


The reset() method of the ByteArrayInputStream resets how far it has read into the byte array. The index will be reset back to the last mark set on the ByteArrayInputStream. By default, if no mark has been explicitly set, the ByteArrayInputStream has marked position 0, or the position at the offset passed to its constructor. Here is an example of using the ByteArrayInputStream reset() method:

byte[] bytes = "abcdef".getBytes();

ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

int data =;  // read 'a'
    data =;  // read 'b'
    data =;  // read 'c'

    byteArrayInputStream.mark(1024);     // mark set before reading 'd'
    data =;  // read 'd'
    data =;  // read 'e'
    data =;  // read 'f'

    byteArrayInputStream.reset();        // reset to mark before 'd'
    data =;  // read 'd'
    data =;  // read 'e'
    data =;  // read 'f'


The Java ByteArrayInputStream skip() method enables you to skip over a number of bytes from the underlying byte array. You pass as parameter the number of characters you want to skip over. Here is an example of skipping over a number of bytes using the ByteArrayInputStream skip() method:


Closing a ByteArrayInputStream

When you are done with a Java ByteArrayInputStream you must close it. You close a ByteArrayInputStream by calling the its close() method. Here is an example of opening an ByteArrayInputStream, reading all data from it, and then closing it:

byte[] bytes = "abcdef".getBytes()

ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

int data =;
while(data != -1) {
  data =;

Notice how the while loop continues until a -1 value is read from the ByteArrayInputStream read() method. After that, the while loop exits, and the ByteArrayInputStream close() method is called.

The above code is not 100% robust. If an exception is thrown while reading data from the ByteArrayInputStream, the close() method is never called. To make the code more robust, you will have to use the Java try-with-resources construct. Proper exception handling for use of Java IO classes is also explained in my tutorial on Java IO Exception Handling.

Here is an example of closing a Java ByteArrayInputStream using the try-with-resources construct:

try( ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("abcdef".getBytes()) ) {

    int data =;
    while(data != -1){
        data =;

Notice how the ByteArrayInputStream is now declared inside the parentheses after the try keyword. This signals to Java that this ByteArrayInputStream is to be managed by the try-with-resources construct.

Once the executing thread exits the try block, the byteArrayInputStream variable is closed. If an exception is thrown from inside the try block, the exception is caught, the ByteArrayInputStream is closed, and then the exception is rethrown. You are thus guaranteed that the ByteArrayInputStream is closed, when used inside a try-with-resources block.

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