ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)

Evenly distributes incoming web traffic across multiple EC2 instances in multiple availability zones.

  • This increases fault tolerance of apps

  • ELB detects unhealthy instances and routes traffic only to healthy instances.

Free tier is NOT available for ELB.

  • How are you charged for using ELB

    • each hour or partial hour the load balancer is running

    • for each GB of data transferred through the load balancer

Auto Scaling

A tool that can automate scale-in and scale-out of EC2 instances based on traffic demands.

  • scaling in and out => adds and removes instances

  • scaling up and down => adds additional resources like memory/disk to existing instances

Autoscaling groups

Auto scaling happens based on thresholds.

Autoscaling components

  • Launch configuration

    • EC2 template used when auto scaling needs to add an additional server to auto scaling group

  • Auto scaling group

    • all the rules and settings that govern when EC2 server is automatically added or removed


Auto scaling is free to use.But you will be charged for resources that Auto Scaling provision (e.g. EC2 instances that go beyond Free Tier allotment)

How to create

  • create launch configuration

  • create auto scaling group using launch configuration

Last updated