
CPU load explanation. Good one. I have read it and enjoyed

How to



  • Vault.

    • Vault secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. Vault handles leasing, key revocation, key rolling, auditing, and provides secrets as a service through a unified API.

  • gitleaks

    • SAST tool for detecting hardcoded secrets like passwords, api keys, and tokens in git repos

  • semantic-release

    • tool for CI/CD: determining the next version number, generating the release notes and publishing the package.

  • K8s convenient UI tools

    • octant (tried, look +- good)

    • 👍lens (tried, looks like more functional)

      • OpenLens if you are in Enterprise company

    • k9s (tried, a little weird, not useful a lot)

  • Cloud carbon foot-print

    • (aka GreenOps) open-source tool from Thoughtworks which "Understand how your cloud usage impacts our environment and what you can do about it".


There is Helm chart which simplifies monitoring setup in K8s kube-prometheus-stack


API Gateway

IaaC (Infrastructure as a code)

Last updated